Star Trek: Deep Space Nine S6E13 – Far Beyond the Stars

Black Lives Matter

Troy, MC, and Erik show Tyler his first episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.  It’s the very relevant “Far Beyond the Stars“ episode that talks about racism and police brutlaity. 

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Tyler’s Social Medias:

Twitter | Instagram: @JaxCatCult

Troy’s Social Medias:

Twitter | Instagram: @TroytlePower

Keep up with all of TroytlePower here: Including his podcasts TroytlePower Presents The Power Play-Throughs Podcast With TroytlePower and Best Animated Shows Ever… So Far and also his Twitch Stream and Blog.

Erik’s Social Medias:

Twitter | Instagram: @ErikSlader

Keep up with Erik here: Including his podcast Epik Fails of History and his book series Epic Fails of History.

MC’s Social Medias:

Twitter | Instagram: @AlsoKnownAsMC

MC also hosts BASESF.  See the link above in Troy’s bit.



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