Social Media:See everything TroytlePower related by visiting this page!Follow the show on Twitter at @TPPTPPTPwTP or follow Troytle directly at @TroytlePower!Support the show, hear episodes…
Social Media:See everything TroytlePower related by visiting this page!Follow the show on Twitter at @TPPTPPTPwTP or follow Troytle directly at @TroytlePower!Support the show, hear episodes…
Social Media:See everything TroytlePower related by visiting this page!Follow the show on Twitter at @TPPTPPTPwTP or follow Troytle directly at @TroytlePower!Support the show, hear episodes…
Social Media:See everything TroytlePower related by visiting this page!Follow the show on Twitter at @TPPTPPTPwTP or follow Troytle directly at @TroytlePower!Support the show, hear episodes…
Attack on Titan ends. Send us your anime recommendations here: Let us know how bad we suck by messaging us at the following or leaving…
Social Media:See everything TroytlePower related by visiting this page!Follow the show on Twitter at @TPPTPPTPwTP or follow Troytle directly at @TroytlePower!Support the show, hear episodes…
“Get the power! NINTENDO POWER!” For our second (third?) cycle, we’re (finally) nominating which games we’ll be voting on in our upcoming NES bracket for…
Social Media:See everything TroytlePower related by visiting this page!Follow the show on Twitter at @TPPTPPTPwTP or follow Troytle directly at @TroytlePower!Support the show, hear episodes…