It’s been a long time since I posted, but life happens and this is EPISODE 3!!! The one where Seth goes a clicked, click, click with a can tab for 45 minutes while I try to stay awake!!!!!!!!!! I cut as much out as I could but some still remains for your listening experience :). Any ways we watched Beavis and Butthead Do America. Did I like it? Does anyone? Listen to find out. Its probably more likely that you listened than read this.
I used a bit from a Metallica and there is a very real chance they will sue me just like they did the band Green Jello (now Green Jelly, because they also got sued by Jello). So yeah I do this for you FAM… I mean Evan…
If you’ve got a movie you are passionate about I would love to have you as a guest hit me up at any of the below:
Contact the Pod:
Podcast Twitter: @2Young4thisHitPodcast
Email: TooYoungforthisHit@gmail.com
Personal Twitter @JaxCatCult
Personal Instagram: @JaxCatCult
Seth’s Social Medias:
Twitter: @STJacobs16
My Cats’ Social
Twitters: Chewie: @itsacatpurr
Jace: @CookingPoo
Mr Big: @MrBigAttorney
Also check out our “Podcast Network” on Twitter @ProbablyWorks . We use it to promote ALL of our many horrific – amazing ideas. Last but not least go by some shit in the new bumper sticker exclusive Too Young for this Hit Merch Store. We currently only have one item but more coming SOON.