“Something funny”
Take a break from reading the new Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) manga chapter (125) and enjoy another bad-ish audio quality episode of The Coordinate… This time it was Bill’s fault.
In this episode Bill and Tyler talk about the fifth arc of Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin), Clash of the Titans Arc
Want to follow along? Just read through chapter 50 of the manga or watch through the second season of the anime. No spoilers for chapters after #50.
Join us next episode on February 9th (hopefully) for the Uprising arc. To prepare read through chapter 70 “A Dream I Once Had” or watch through Season 3, Episode 12 of the anime, called “Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall”.
Let us know how bad we suck by messaging us at the following or leaving us a review:
Twitter: @CoordinatePod
Email: CoordinatePod@gmail.com
Tyler’s Social Medias:
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: @JaxCatCult
Bill’s Social Medias:
Twitter: @Metunnica
Checkout Tyler and Bill’s other podcast by following the We Can Make This Work (Probably) Network.
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This podcast is a production of the We Can Make This Work (Probably) Network follow us below to keep up with this show and discover our many other podcasts! The place for those with questionable taste! Hey you Listen to Thoughts Cast.
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Email: ProbablyWorkPod@gmail.com