“Pirate Scourge”
The guys sit down to watch ExoSquad this week. This is a sci-fi show designed to sell toys to kid that deals with biogenetically engineered slaves, inept military officials, and bureaucratic subterfuge… fun!
Thanks for tuning in to The Best Animated Shows Ever… So Far, where we watch, discuss, and rank every cartoon ever (eventually)!
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Follow the show on Twitter at @baseSFcast, or follow the hosts at @TroytlePower and @alsoknownasMC, or email us at baseSFcast@gmail.com. You can also find us on Facebook at facebook.com/basesfcast or send us a voicemail at anchor.fm/basesfcast!
Our intro and outro music is “Motivator” and “Funin and Sunin”, respectively, both by Kevin MacLeod from https://www.incompetech.com, and licensed under CC3.0 license.
Tune in next time!
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