The Stinging Bug-Fish
The boys descned deeper into the no.5 Mako Reactor in Final Fantasy VII, and uncover a weird insectoid fish creature.
Social Media:
Follow the show on twitter at @TheBestiaryPod, or follow Troy and Bill directly!
The Gift Shop:
If you’d like to support the show, you can buy stickers, shirts, notebooks, and all kinds of merch with our logo on it at our gift shop, and don’t forget to leave a five-star rating on Apple Podcasts!
Special Thanks:
We never would have thought of the idea for the show if it weren’t for the brilliance of “No One Can Know About This”.
Thanks to Scoot and Evan for helping with voice for our intro. Follow Scoot on Twitch and listen to Evan’s podcast, “Thoughts Cast” to show them some love!
We Can Make This Work Probably Network:
This podcast is a production of the We Can Make This Work (Probably) Network follow us below to keep up with this show and discover our many other podcasts! The place for those with questionable taste!
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: @ProbablyWork
Email: ProbablyWorkPod@gmail.com