Welcome to Episode 13 of The RPG Years!
This week, Scott comes out of retirement to help Bill to start the review of the best Mana game ever made! Its the Quintet classis Terranigma!
Strap in for some RPG goodness!
- The RPG After Years is hosting an RPG Club! It's like a book club, but with RPGs, and we hope all of you play along!
- Next check point is to Nominate the next game on April 16th
Please support the show at patreon.com/rpgyears
Join us on our Discord server!
Materia Lockdown @FF7MLD is fundraising for Motor Neurone Disease Association (justgiving.com)
You can also find Scott on Twitch over at twitch.tv/the_scott_spot!
Send a Carrier Pigeon or Whatever:
Twitter: @RPGYEARS
Personal Twitters: Rich: @Hailblue1569, Scott: @TheScottSpot, Bill: @Metunnica
Email: rpgafteryears@gmail.com
We Can Make This Work Probably Network:
This podcast is a production of the We Can Make This Work (Probably) Network follow us below to keep up with this show and discover our many other podcasts! The place for those with questionable taste!
ProbablyWork.com, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram @ProbablyWorkEmail: ProbablyWorkPod@gmail.com
Master list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13CgtJfptz1S3Da2HUsJDK86SfAIPMGA-Rmi4YZUpTGw/edit?usp=sharing