The podcast where you get dirt on your hands, err, ears? Phone mic? In the final part of Thoughts From Montréal 3, Pete spells out why he supports Québec independence, reacts to the results of the QS co-spokeswoman race (while drawing a very favorable comparison between its winner and a certain former Maine state senator), and talks about the impending trainwrech that is the 2024 US presidential election. There's also a live reveal at the end that you do not want to miss, especially if you like Québec French swear words. If Pete sent you this podcast via Facebook, feel free to skip ahead to 35:29 and have a seat. He had the audience scoot over with their chairs and set up a seat for you. The reaction at the end of the episode is inspired by a Tiktok that went viral during the NHL playoffs a few years back. You can find a detailed explanation (with auto-translated English subtitles that hilariously translate sacre as "coronation") here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBfiVshbADU As usual, there's a Google Doc with all the stuff Pete mentioned here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BlVIHHoSiegXQhPRANw1_dDcUrAcZfNgesCTdBU5kbk/edit?usp=sharing#WhiteWineProphecy
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