Oh F**k the Ferret’s Playing the Mandolin
We watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season 3, Episode 2 “Arc Troopers”. Well most of us watched it. Anyways spaghetti. This episode devolved into spaghetti and we didn’t even start spaghetti about the episode most of us spaghetti until 40 minutes in to mom’s spaghetti. So jump ahead to spaghetti if you want. Anyways I hope your ready for mom’s spaghetti.
If you’re reading this I have bad news, you missed participating in Podcasters Assemble Season 2. That said season 3 is right around the corner and about James Bond so check out all the details on our website: https://probablywork.com/podcasters-assemble/
Suggest A Thing:
If you’ve got a TV show or movie you are passionate about I would love to have you as a guest hit me up at any of the below:
Twitter: @2Y4TH
Email: TooYoungforthisHit@gmail.com
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Troy’s Social Medias:
Twitter | Instagram: @TroytlePower
Keep up with all of TroytlePower here: TroytlePower.com Including his podcasts TroytlePower Presents The Power Play-Throughs Podcast With TroytlePower and Best Animated Shows Ever… So Far and also his Twitch Stream and Blog. There is soooo much TroytlePower he has evolved into TroytlePowerful!
Tyler’s Social Medias:
Twitter | Instagram: @JaxCatCult
Evan’s Social Medias:
Twitter | Instagram: @SirRajaTah
The Network:
This podcast is a production of the We Can Make This Work (Probably) Network follow us below to keep up with this show and discover our many other podcasts! Including Tyler’s podcast The Coordinate: An Attack on Titan Podcast and Evan’s podcast Thoughts Cast.
ProbablyWork.com, it’s the place for those with questionable taste!
Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Discord: @ProbablyWork
Email: ProbablyWorkPod@gmail.com
Opening and Closing Music By:
Other Sounds
Thunder: https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/sounds/360328/
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