Evan loses himself in character
After flying from London to his secret organic farm/video game studio, Bill/Evan turns back into Arjuna for another episode of Thoughts To and From Boston, where he talks about goings on with the Maine Video Game Devs Meetup, a medtech games app at the Boston Unity Group, and a Spotify list exactly no one asked for. There’s also something about drinking biscuits.
Make sure you check out Too Young for this Hit with Tyler and Evan available in all the pod places… also on our website https://probablywork.com/too-young-for-this-hit/
Links of Interest
Mightier, the med tech app that I mentioned: https://mightier.com/how-it-works/program
Techationland Men’s Room Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5n51d0KX6kXXRNkV5BnIZU
The Adventures of Super Chicken and Wondeer Doom mod: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/combos/xw_schkn
Vinesauce Joel Doom mapping stream, Ocarina of Time Doom: https://youtu.be/Sdtw4fIJ7Yo?t=8653
Ticketmaster link to the Styx show in Boston on 11/9: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/styx-boston-massachusetts-11-09-2019/event/010056B490224A37?irgwc=1&clickid=3WhUcxXMhxyJUmzwUx0Mo381Ukn2QWUx1UR1ws0&camefrom=CFC_BUYAT_253520&impradid=253520&REFERRAL_ID=tmfeedbuyat253520&wt.mc_id=aff_BUYAT_253520&utm_source=253520-Youtube&impradname=Youtube&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_content=YT-ChMI7-zL08uN5QIVCTwDCh3YUgcfGhhVQ3N4bEY2OEE2blJVWUM5eG50NnZIZFFCBInNrwtKA1dFQlIKMi4yMDE5MTAwNg%253D%253D
Follow Thoughts Cast on Twitter @ThoughtsCast
Follow the elaborate Twitter account Evan made for “Arjuna” on Twitter @SuperArjunaButt
Follow Evan Tolley on Twitter @SirRajaTah
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